HolyCoast: Boxer Has Problems With Math
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Saturday, April 16, 2005

Boxer Has Problems With Math

Robert Novak writes today at RealClearPolitics.com about California Senator Barbara Boxer determination to vote against Bush appointees, and about her insistance that she's not doing just that:
Democratic Sen. Barbara Boxer of California, while claiming her opposition to the confirmation of John Bolton as United Nations ambassador was rare, has actually voted against 11 of President Bush's nominees.

"I myself went back to the record," Boxer said at last week's hearing on Bolton's nomination. "I voted no three times out of hundreds that have come through this committee." In fact, she opposed the only two controversial Bush nominees considered by the Foreign Relations Committee: Condoleezza Rice for secretary of state and Bolton for under secretary of state.

Boxer has voted against every Bush nominee facing any significant opposition. They include John Ashcroft and Alberto Gonzales for attorney general, Theodore Olson for solicitor general, Gale Norton for secretary of the interior and Michael Leavitt, administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency.

Some think that Boxer might actually be positioning herself for a presidential run in 2008 (desperately attempting to stifle a loud guffaw here). Hillary is trying to move to the center which leaves the far left open to a ditz like Boxer. She could be the Howard Dean of '08, and will likely have the same result should she attempt a run. Can you imagine Hillary verses Boxer in the primaries? Now that's entertainment!

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