HolyCoast: Howard Dean: Let's Exploit Terri!
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Saturday, April 16, 2005

Howard Dean: Let's Exploit Terri!

DNC Chairman Howard Dean, speaking at a homosexual rights breakfast in West Hollywood (where else?), promised the assembled men, women, gays, lesbians, bi-sexuals, transgendered and otherwise hopelessly confused freaks, that the Dem party will exploit the Terri Schiavo case for political gain (from the LA Times, reg. req):
Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean said Friday that his party would wield the Terri Schiavo case against Republicans in the 2006 and 2008 elections, but for now needed to stay focused battling President Bush on Social Security.

"We're going to use Terri Schiavo later on," Dean said of the brain-damaged Floridian who died last month after her feeding tube was removed amid a swarm of political controversy.

Dean, who has called congressional intervention in the Schiavo case "political grandstanding," singled out House Majority Leader Tom DeLay (R-Texas) for his leading role in the matter.

"This is going to be an issue in 2006, and it's going to be an issue in 2008," Dean told about 200 people at a gay rights group's breakfast in West Hollywood, "because we're going to have an ad with a picture of Tom DeLay saying, 'Do you want this guy to decide whether you die or not? Or is that going to be up to your loved ones?' "
This once again confirms that the Dems have no plans or programs for America, and their only hope of getting elected rests on demagoguing conservative Republicans. Keep it up, Howard...this strategy has really worked well for you guys in the last three election cycles that it has been tried.

Of course what Howard forgets is that the Schiavo case will also remind conservatives of the mess in the judiciary and the importance of nominating judges who will interpret the Constitution and not try to write a new one. Who do you want picking new judges - Republicans or Democrats?

Here is yet another good reason to get the GOP off their rear ends and end the judicial filibusters.

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