HolyCoast: Gunga Penn
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Monday, June 13, 2005

Gunga Penn

Editor and Publisher reports on an incident involving a "journalist" in Iran:

Iran was rocked by bombings on Sunday, killing at least nine and wounding more than 30, as dozens of journalists from around the world gathered in advance of the presidential election this Friday. One of those journalists, actor Sean Penn--covering the events for the San Francisco Chronicle--was involved in a separate incident, and had his video camera confiscated for a time.

...Officials also cut off cell phone service in the area, and challenged reporters nearby. In the process, they briefly seized the video camera of Penn, 44, acccording to The Washington Post. He had arrived in Iran as a reporter for his friend Phil Bronstein, editor of the San Francisco Chronicle.Penn was spotted on Friday with a notebook in hand covering a prayer service. He has also written about his visits to Iraq for the Chronicle.

They probably mistook him for a Hollywood actor pretenting to be a journalist, instead of the serious journalist he undoubedly is.

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