HolyCoast: Howard the Donkey - Ohio Too Stupid to Vote
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Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Howard the Donkey - Ohio Too Stupid to Vote

Our friend Howard the Donkey today asserted that the GOP engaged in massive voter suppression in Ohio. In other words, Ohio voters were too stupid or uninformed to know how to find a polling place on election day (h/t The Corner).
Democratic National Committee chairman Howard Dean today said that "It's clear that there was massive voter suppression" in Ohio in the 2004 presidential election. Dean pointed to an "appearance of impropriety" in the actions of Republican election officials in Ohio, adding that, "It's been widely reported over the last years that Republicans do target African-Americans for voter suppression." Dean said that Democrats could "not conclude one way or the other" whether John Kerry would have won if the alleged suppression had not taken place. Addressing possible Republican objections to his charges, Dean said that Republicans "don't care what the facts are" and that "blather and hot air" will not change the facts of the situation in Ohio.
The facts of the situation, Mr. Donkey, are that Bush won Ohio by a comfortable margin. Get over it.

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