HolyCoast: Another Edith in the Mix
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Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Another Edith in the Mix

Hugh Hewitt reports that the nominee for SCOTUS may be a different Edith than we previously reported. He's heard that it may be Judge Edith Jones.

I don't know much about her, but I hear she's a pretty stout conservative.

Other rumors - Judge Mike Luttig was spotted in D.C. today with his family. He'd be a real shock to the left and there'd be a whale of a fight.

The administration is sealed up tight as a drum, and it's driving the media nuts. They're showing the pictures of every possible candidate in hopes that the nominee will be one of them so they won't look completely stupid tonight.

The left has already started their attack on Judge Clement, so this whole thing could have been a head fake by the adminstration to throw everybody off. If that's what happened, it was a beautifully executed move.

Have you ever seen such uproar prior to the announcement of a nominee? It's a new political world that we're in.

UPDATE: This from Powerline:
My understanding is that the White House put Clement's name out last night and gave various groups the opportunity for final comment. It received a fair amount of negative feedback from conservatives.

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