HolyCoast: VPOTUS For SCOTUS??
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Tuesday, July 19, 2005


Now here's an interesting, though probably useless, theory offered by Cliff May at The Corner:
Remember the last time there was so much excitement over a Bush Pick?

Sure you do. It was when George W. Bush was deciding who would be his running mate. Dick Cheney was helping him figure it out. And in the end, Bush chose: Dick Cheney.

Hey, wait a minute … you don’t think … he’s got loads of experience, he’s a strong conservative … and that would allow Bush to pick a new VP who would be the prohibitive favorite for the GOP nomination in 2008. I don’t know but …

Boy, wouldn't that get the Dems knickers in a knot...

I don't think it will ever happen, but wouldn't it be nice to have a Vice President who would be an attractive candidate for the presidency in 2008 since Cheney doesn't seem to want the job?

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