HolyCoast: Bush Highlights A Military Family (that's not camped out in his front yard)
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Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Bush Highlights A Military Family (that's not camped out in his front yard)

President Bush, speaking to a National Guard meeting in Nampa, ID, went out of his way to highlight a military family that has had 5 members serve in Iraq, including 4 sons which are currently over there (from Drudge):

President Bush today took direct aim at Cindy Sheehan, the anti-war protester who has set up camp near the Bushes Texas ranch and purports to speak for military moms who, like her, have lost a son in the Iraq war.

Speaking to hundreds of Idaho National Guardsmen, the president singled out military mom Tammy Pruett of Pocatello, Idaho, whose husband and five sons have all served in Iraq.

"Tammy has four sons serving in Iraq right now with the Idaho National Guard: Eric, Evan, Greg and Jeff. Last year her husband, Leon, and another son, Aaron, returned from Iraq, where they helped train Iraqi firefighters in Mosul.

"Tammy says this -- and I want you to hear this -- 'I know that if something happens to one of the boys, they would leave this world doing what they believe, what they think is right for our country.'

"And I guess you couldn't ask for a better way of life than giving it for something that you believe in. America lives in freedom because of families like the Pruetts."

The crowd, made up mostly of military family members, broke into cheers and chants of "U-S-A! U-S-A!"

I think the writer overdramatized that first paragraph. I doubt that Bush's intent was to take "direct aim" at Sheehan. Unlike the media, Bush is not consumed 24/7 with Sheehan. However, I'm glad he recognized this particular family, and isn't it refreshing to hear this lady's comments after listening to Wacko Woodstock for the last two weeks.

Meanwhile back at the ranch, Cindy Sheehan has arrived back in Texas and really looks broken up about the whole thing (h/t Little Green Footballs).

Did they have an open bar on that flight?

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