HolyCoast: Dinner With Hugo
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Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Dinner With Hugo

Pat Robertson has spent the day on a national media apology tour for his silly statement about Venezuelan strongman Hugo Chavez. Robertson explained it this way:
The televangelist had previously said Wednesday that his comments were "misinterpreted."

"I didn't say 'assassination,'" Robertson clarified during a broadcast of his "The 700 Club" Wednesday morning. "I said our special forces should go 'take him out,' and 'take him out' could be a number of things, including kidnapping."
"Take him out" - what could that mean?
  1. Make him sleep with the fishes?
  2. Kidnap him and stash him a Gitmo and force him to listen to Christina Aguilera CD's?
  3. Dinner and dancing?

Robertson clearly wanted the guy dead, and should have just stuck with that story instead of trying to redeem himself with some silly denials. The worst part of this whole thing is not what Robertson said, but that Dems like Nancy Pelosi and Jesse Jackson are telling the press that Robertson is a significant figure in the GOP, and thus his statement requires a direct repudiation by the president.

Robertson is a private citizen, and Lord knows the president doesn't have time to spend all day repudiating stupid comments by private citizens. Shoot - it would take him the rest of his term just to deal with stuff Howard the Donkey says, let alone what any Republican might come up with.

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