HolyCoast: First The Virgin Mary on Toast, and Now Cindy on a Baseball!
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Tuesday, August 23, 2005

First The Virgin Mary on Toast, and Now Cindy on a Baseball!

I love this kind of stuff. Some wag offered a baseball for sale on eBay which he claims has the image of Cindy Sheehan:

An eBay entrepreneur is now hawking a baseball on which he claims the face of Cindy Sheehan has magically appeared.

Interestingly, the image on the ball looks like a sad face that could have been drawn with a typical magic marker.

The seller, based in Endicott, Md., states in his ad:

"Commemorate Mother Sheehan's Peace Mom Vigil against George W. Bush (who sent her son to die), his evil war for oil and Halliburton while he and other cruel, cold-hearted conservatives vacation safely in Texas by ordering this one-of-a-kind baseball.

Commemorate this crazy loon's departure from the ditch along with all the other America-hating terrorist-defending squatters and main stream press as they head back to Berkeley and other liberal alcoves by ordering this one-of-a-kind baseball she has appeared in. "

Here's the photo of the ball from the eBay ad:

An amazing likeness and definately miracle material. Sadly, eBay did not agree and pulled the auction. Maybe Cindy's image will show up in other places that can be more easily authenticated.

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