HolyCoast: What's Wrong With Canton?
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Tuesday, August 23, 2005

What's Wrong With Canton?

This is a disturbing story, especially if you're the parent of a high schooler (as I am) (h/t Drudge):
There are 490 female students at Timken High School, and 65 are pregnant, according to a recent report in the Canton Repository.

The article reported that some would say that movies, TV, videogames, lazy parents and lax discipline may all be to blame.
Last time I checked, none of those things cause pregnancy. I think they may be missing something important here. Perhaps it would be wise to take another look at those health books.

However, in true bureaucratic style, they have a plan!
School officials are not sure what has caused so many pregnancies, ([waiving my hand wildly] OOH, OOH, I KNOW THAT ONE! - HC) but in response to them, the school is launching a three-prong educational program to address pregnancy, prevention and parenting.

The newspaper also reported that students will face mounting tensions created by unplanned child-rearing responsibilities, causing students to quit school and plan for a GED. This will make it difficult for the Canton City School District to shake its academic watch designation by the state.
Who can hear the teachers over all those crying babies? And you can't put all the focus just on this high school - it looks like the whole town has "issues":
According to the Canton Health Department, statistics through July show that 104 of the 586 babies born to Canton residents in Aultman Hospital and Mercy Medical Center had mothers between 11 and 19.

By the way, the school's mascot - The Trojans (write your own joke here) (h/t Hugh Hewitt).

An additional thought - how many of the remaining girls (those not currently pregnant) have already had a child or had an abortion? I'll bet that number would be interesting. And how many of the pregnant girls have been pregnant before? I'd love to see those statistics.

My prediction: Planned Parenthood will parachute in some shock troops to see how many pregnancies they can turn into profitable abortions.

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