HolyCoast: I Shall Return (because I miss all my friends in the press)
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Wednesday, August 24, 2005

I Shall Return (because I miss all my friends in the press)

This from Cindy Sheehan's blog at the HuffPo:
I'm coming back to Crawford for my son. As long as the president, who sent him to die in a senseless war, is in Crawford, that is where I belong.
Just watch - this will be treated like MacArthur's return to the Philippines in WWII. It's too bad Crawford doesn't have a beach so she could wade in through the surf as the cameras click away.

And, in a report that was quashed by the media until today, Cindy described the people who killed her son as "freedom fighters", a description right out of the Reuters stylebook. Her lefty hits just keep a'comin'.

I hope she does return to Crawford so we can hear more inanities like this. I'm sure the bored press is tired of interviewing the Cindy wannabes and would rather have the real thing. I don't think, however, that most of America is going to care one way or the other. I think most of us are tiring of the whole thing.

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