HolyCoast: Michael Moore Enrolls in Fathead Farm
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Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Michael Moore Enrolls in Fathead Farm

Oops, that should have read 'fat farm'. I'm sure you can understand how easy it was to make that mistake (from Newsmax):
Michael Moore Enrolls at Fat Farm

The controversial filmmaker Michael Moore has signed up at a Florida fat farm, according to PageSix.com.

The creator and director of Fahrenheit 9/11 repordedly is forking up $3,800-a-week for a weight loss crash course.

Moore registered at Pritikin Longevity Center and Spa in Aventura, Fla. On the training menu: learning to cook healthy meals and "life re-education."

The reported goal for the portly Moore - shed 12 pounds during the first three weeks.
At this pace, Moore should reach his target weight in only 38 years.

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