HolyCoast: Absentee Mayor
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Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Absentee Mayor

New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin was all over the news yesterday as he met and traveled with President Bush. However, if Bush wants to meet him again, I guess he'll have to go to Dallas (from FoxNews):

New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin greeted President Bush when he arrived in Louisiana last night, and was at his side as he fielded questions on the Katrina relief efforts this morning. That quality time with the president, however, marks the mayor's first visit to the disaster area since Wednesday when Nagin pulled up stakes and moved his family to Dallas. The Dallas Morning News reports that Nagin has already bought a house in the city, and enrolled his daughter in school.

When the Mayor appeared on "Meet the Press" on Sunday from Dallas, he was never asked about his presence there, or his decision to move his family.

A week ago Homeland Security Chief Michael Chertoff appeared on "Meet the Press" and the first question Tim Russert had for him was "Will you resign?". Did Russert ask that question of Mayor Nagin? Of course not. He didn't even ask him how he expected to be mayor of New Orleans while living in Dallas.

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