HolyCoast: Don't Rebuild New Orleans - Part 2
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Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Don't Rebuild New Orleans - Part 2

Steve Chapman writes at RealClearPolitics about the stupidity of rebuilding New Orleans as is:
Of all the ideas I've heard about what to do with New Orleans, the best one came from former Rep. Tim Roemer, D-Ind, who said we should "put somebody like former President Jimmy Carter in charge of rebuilding New Orleans."

As president, Carter distinguished himself by failing to free the hostages in Iran, failing to vanquish inflation and failing to solve the energy crisis. Were he to fail to rebuild New Orleans, he'd be doing the country a great service.

If you were looking for a place expressly designed to endanger people and property, it would look a lot like New Orleans. No one today would ever think of building a city on a plot of ground below sea level, surrounded by water, endlessly vulnerable to floods and hurricanes. So why would anyone think of rebuilding a city in exactly the same place?
Denny Hastert got into a lot of political trouble by suggesting the same thing, but why should taxpayers be required to reset the pins of New Orleans just so the next big hurricane can knock them all down again? There's got to be more than sentimental thoughts involved in the decisions about the future of NOLA.

You can read the rest of Chapman's article here.

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