HolyCoast: Air America Hosts Think Farrakhan May Be Right
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Friday, September 16, 2005

Air America Hosts Think Farrakhan May Be Right

To date the liberal left's answer to Rush Limbaugh and conservative talk radio, Air America, has been a dismal failure. Do you want to know why? Just read this:
Two hosts at the liberal radio network Air America are defending Nation of Islam leader Minister Louis Farrakhan - saying he's not wrong to suspect that white people deliberately blew up the levees in New Orleans.

"You cannot blame people for coming up with conspiracy theories," Air America host Chuck D. said, after he was asked Thursday about the paranoid pronouncement by MSNBC's Tucker Carlson.

"They look on television and see that the government is four days late in saving people [who are] supposed to be their citizens," Chuck D. explained.

Carlson gave him a second chance to denounce Farrakhan's lunatic declaration, saying, "You're a smart guy. You know that white people didn't blow up the levees to kill black people. You've gotta know that didn't happen."

But the Air America host refused to budge, insisting instead that there was a chance Farrakhan could be right.
There's also a chance that pigs will sprout wings and fly to the moon, but I don't think I'll go on national TV and promote that idea.

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