HolyCoast: The President's New Orleans Speech
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Thursday, September 15, 2005

The President's New Orleans Speech

It looks like the president's speech was a bit hit. Just as in the case of the 9/11 attacks, he started slow but found his stride a few days later. The same thing is happening with Katrina.

Hugh Hewitt pretty well sums up the reaction to the speech:
Perfect pitch returned tonight, and the president's looks backward and forward were on target. As Chris Matthews observed, it sounded a little LBJ/FDR-like in its vows about the underclass of the recovery region, but that is exactly why it worked so well: That is what needs to happen, and he identified the best approaches in the empowerment of entrepeneurs and the retraining of the evacuees. The enterprise zone could prove a turbo charged motor to the effort, and the promise of innovation was well delivered.

So too was the emphasis of the president on the private side of the relief effort, on the central issue of home ownership, and of the need for local union to help local union, small congregation to help its similarly situated cousin, for every American to stay committed. The president's sincere faith connected with Americans of sincere faith, and the weeks and months ahead will show again and again that this trust in the average American's good will is well placed.

Finally, the serious notes he sounded on the need to review and improve the emergency plans across the country, and to empower the American military to become the first responder when scale requires it, was exceptionally well delivered. Millions of Americans had to have heard this portion of the speech from this man and concluded that he is very serious indeed about fixing the gaps.

And except for his bitter opponents, they will trust him to move the reforms forward.
There was something else that convinced me that this speech will be a big success:
Bush repeated a hotline number, 1-877-568-3317, for people to call to help reunite family members separated during the hurricane. Moments later, Sen. John Kerry, D-Mass., criticized Bush, saying "Leadership isn't a speech or a toll-free number."

"No American doubts that New Orleans will rise again," Kerry said. "They doubt the competence and commitment of this administration." House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi and Senate Democratic leader Harry Reid, in a joint statement, said, "We are concerned by Bush administration initiatives this week waiving wage protections, environmental safeguards and protections for veterans, minorities, women and the disabled."
John Kerry is a loser who has been on the wrong side of history his whole life. Pelosi and Reid are are dim bulbs who live in a world where everybody is a victim of something. If they hated the speech, then it's sure to be a big success.

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