HolyCoast: Knucklehead Caucus Votes to Give Driver Licenses to Illegals
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Friday, September 09, 2005

Knucklehead Caucus Votes to Give Driver Licenses to Illegals

The California Legislature, which is probably the most unresponsive in the country when it comes to the will of the people, has passed another stupid and dangerous law which probably won't make it past the Governator:
California lawmakers voted Thursday to offer illegal immigrants special driver's licenses, a measure Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger is expected to veto.

Supporters said the licenses would make the roads safer because illegal immigrants, many of whom already are driving, would be required to pass driving tests to get them.

But Republican Sen. Tom McClintock argued the measure "sends a powerful message that it is the official policy of this state not to recognize or respect this nation's immigration laws."

Schwarzenegger rejected a similar bill last year. Thursday night, the governor's legislative liaison, Richard Costigan, said Schwarzenegger would veto this legislation as well.
There's one legislator, Gil Cedillo, who's like a one-note samba on this issue. Every session he introduces this bill in one form or another, occasionally tweaking it to try and fool people into thinking it's a good idea, and every session it fails.

Cedillo and the rest of the Hispanic caucus and weak-kneed liberals won't stop until they succeed in turning California into Mexifornia.

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