HolyCoast: NFL Fans Don't Appreciate Idiot Kanye West
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Friday, September 09, 2005

NFL Fans Don't Appreciate Idiot Kanye West

Poor rapper Kanye West. He thought he'd be a hero by telling America on national TV that Bush doesn't care about black people, and then found himself booed unmercifully at his next gig, the NFL Kickoff Show:
And we got remotes of rapper Kanye West and pop rockers Maroon 5 from a generic-looking, red-white-and-blue stage in Los Angeles.

Maroon 5 came off vapidly (doing just one song, ''Harder to Breathe"), while West did one tune, ''Heard 'Em Say." Yet it was disconcerting to hear his name booed loudly by Patriots fans who evidently didn't appreciate his nationally televised comment the other night on a Hurricane Katrina benefit that President Bush ''doesn't care about black people." The boos were thunderous and lasted for much of his number.
Funny, I don't find that disconcerting at all. I think it was well deserved.

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