HolyCoast: Local Boy Makes Bad
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Sunday, September 11, 2005

Local Boy Makes Bad

How do you grow up in Orange County, CA (where I live) and end up like this?
In an apparent Sept. 11 communique broadcast on ABC News, an al Qaeda operative threatens new attacks against cities in the US and Australia.

"Yesterday, London and Madrid. Tomorrow, Los Angeles and Melbourne, God willing. At this time, don't count on us demonstrating restraint or compassion," the tape warns. "We are Muslims. We love peace, but peace on our terms, peace as laid down by Islam, not the so-called peace of occupiers and dictators."
American intelligence officials believe the man who appears on the tape to be Adam Gadahn of Orange County, Calif. Last year, Gadahn delivered a similar taped communique for al Qaeda. That tape was later deemed authentic.

On the new tape, delivered to ABC News, Gadahn's message contains a very pointed al Qaeda threat against Los Angeles and Melbourne.
Radical Islamonuts have had a burr in their camel saddle for a long time regarding Los Angeles because of Hollywood and its influence on culture around the world. Since they are so much into symbolism, it wouldn't surprise me terribly if the next attack were to involve a Hollywood icon.

Given all the good things about living in Southern California, what kind of warped upbringing must this guy have had to turn out like this?
Only a few years ago, Adam Gadahn was a southern California teenager with interests in the environment and heavy metal music.
Well, that might explain some of it.
His family says he converted to Islam at an Orange County mosque. There, officials say Gadahn came under the influence of militants who took him to Pakistan.

He has since emerged as an al Qaeda propaganda tool.

He's a tool, alright. And how many more like him are out there being groomed by our local mosques?

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