HolyCoast: Now The Press Wants To See The Bodies
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Saturday, September 10, 2005

Now The Press Wants To See The Bodies

Glenn Reynolds makes a good point today on Instapundit:
THE PRESS WANTS TO SHOW BODIES from Katrina. It didn't want to show bodies, or jumpers, on 9/11, for fear that doing so would inflame the public.
I can only conclude that this time around, the press thinks it's a good thing to inflame the public. What could the difference be?
Of course the difference is that showing the bodies from NOLA will inflame people's passion against the evil Bush Administration who let all these poor folks drown. At least that's how it goes in the media's dream sequence. However, this dream will have bad consequences for the Dems too as more and more information comes out about the incompetence of the local authorities.

I commented awhile back about the lack of 9/11 visuals on TV the last few years. I watched Inside 9/11 the other night and for the first time in a very long time saw the footage of the planes hitting the Trade Center towers, and the poor people jumping to their deaths. I must admit I'd forgotten the horrors of those moments. The press has blacked out those images from the visual media. Why? It might remind folks why we're in Afghanistan and Iraq, and why you simply have to ignore fools like Cindy Sheehan.

The last thing the press wants is an informed public, at least on those issues where information will conflict with the prevailing lefty point of view.

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