HolyCoast: Breaking News: WNBA Player is Gay
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Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Breaking News: WNBA Player is Gay

Boy, I bet you didn't see this coming:
Houston Comets forward Sheryl Swoopes is opening up about being a lesbian, telling a magazine that she's "tired of having to hide my feelings about the person I care about."

Swoopes, honored last month as the WNBA's Most Valuable Player, told ESPN The Magazine for a story on newsstands Wednesday that she didn't always know she was gay and fears that coming out could jeopardize her status as a role model.
She strayed a little from the gay reservation with this comment:
"Do I think I was born this way? No," Swoopes said. "And that's probably confusing to some, because I know a lot of people believe that you are."
Looks like a little reeducation is in order. After all, if you're not born gay, then it must be caused by environmental influences. In other words, if you can catch it, you can cure it, and that just won't do for the gay activists.

Imagine that, a lesbian basketball player. Next thing you know they'll be coming out in golf and tennis too.

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