HolyCoast: Chief Iranian Terrorist Vows to Wipe Israel of the Map
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Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Chief Iranian Terrorist Vows to Wipe Israel of the Map

The chief Iranian terrorist, who also happens to be their president (convenient, isn't it?), is acting true to form as predicted after his election:

Mahmoud Ahmadi-Nejad, Iran’s fundamentalist president (Fundamentalist what? Christian, Jew, Hindu, Hari Krishna, or could he possibly be Muslim?-HC), on Wednesday declared that Israel should be “wiped off the map” and warned Arab countries against developing economic ties with Israel in response to its withdrawal from Gaza.

His remarks, delivered at a conference in Tehran entitled “A World without Zionism”, led to diplomatic protests by the UK, France and Spain, while Shimon Peres, Israel’s deputy prime minister, said Iran should be expelled from the United Nations.

“As the Imam said, Israel must be wiped off the map,” Mr Ahmadi-Nejad said, citing Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, the founder of Iran’s Islamic revolution.

The president told an audience of students there was “no doubt the new wave [of attacks] in Palestine will soon wipe off this disgraceful blot from the face of the Islamic world”.

“Anybody who recognises Israel will burn in the fire of the Islamic nation’s fury,” he said, in remarks aimed at Arab states.

Mr Ahmadi-Nejad, who took office in August, was departing from the moderate line of his reformist predecessor, Mohammad Khatami, who argued Iran should be no more radical about Israel than the Palestinians themselves. Reformist figures in Iran have recently warned that Mr Ahmadi-Nejad’s stern rhetoric endangers Iran’s national interest and could encourage the referral of Tehran’s nuclear programme to the UN Security Council. Iran denies its development of the nuclear fuel cycle is for military use.

If you were Ariel Sharon, prime minister of Israel, what would you do? Israel has nukes and Iran is trying to build some. If I were you, I wouldn't be wagering on the long-term viability of the Iranian nuclear power program. Given that most of the airspace Israel would have to fly through to bomb Iran is contolled by the U.S., I think there's a good chance that U.S. air defenses in the region just might look the other way for a few hours while the more than capable Israeli Air Force puts an end to this threat.

And don't forget the Mossad - they can be pretty creative too. President Ahmadi-Nejad might want to go over any last minute corrections to his will.

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