HolyCoast: Conservatives Increasingly Lukewarm on Miers
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Monday, October 17, 2005

Conservatives Increasingly Lukewarm on Miers

David Frum has some information on his National Review site concerning the latest poll numbers on Harriet Miers:
Survey USA poll today indicates that 44% of self-described conservatives have a "favorable" impression of Harriet Miers as opposed to only 12% who have an "unfavorable" impression. (45% don't have an opinion.)

Good news for the White House?

Not exactly. Two weeks ago, CNN/Gallup's poll showed 58% of self-identified conservatives describing the Miers nomination as "excellent" or "good." (29% thought it "fair" or "poor.")

The CNN/Gallup poll already showed Miers 20 points less popular among conservatives than John Roberts had been. The CNN and Survey USA polls are not exactly comparable of course. But taken together, the two surveys do seem to indicate substantial deterioration of support for the nomination among conservatives.
It's hard to understand how these numbers could be sinking with all of these ringing endorsements (h/t In The Agora):
    • "I was racking my brain trying to think of something specific. She is a very good bowler." -- OMB Director Josh Bolten
    • "Would you vote against June Cleaver? I thought she had cookies. How can you not like this woman." -- Bill O'Reilly
    • "'She's a thinking person' one former Texas supreme-court justice just declared. No one ever told me that John Roberts was a 'thinking person.'" -K-Lo
I'm still going with my October 6th prediction.

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