HolyCoast: Anti-Italian-American Rhetoric Flying Fast from the Dems
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Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Anti-Italian-American Rhetoric Flying Fast from the Dems

I've long said that one of the big problems of the left is they have no ideas and few facts, and without ideas and facts, they have nothing to argue with when something comes along with which they disagree. Consequently, most arguments involving the left take about 10 seconds to deteriorate into name calling and character assassinations. Just listen to any liberal caller on any conservative radio show.

In keeping with the long tradition of tolerance and thoughtfulness on the left, it took the Dems less than a day to start ethnic race-baiting against Supreme Court nominee Samuel Alito. Amazingly, this most despicable of attacks was condemned by none other than Chris Matthews, a guy who normally can't be counted on to support anything involving the Bush Administration. This is what Chris said today on MSNBC Live (ht Political Teen):

HOST: Let’s cut to the chase. Do you think we’ll see a filibuster?
MATTHEWS: I don’t know. I think the democrats, i’m sitting here holding in my hands a disgusting document, put out not for at try bution. the democrats are circulating it. it’s a complaint sheet against judge alito’s nomination. the first thing they nail is he failed to win a mob conviction in 1988. they nail him on not putting italian mobsters in jail. why would they bring this up? this is either a very bad coincidence or very bad politics. either way it will hurt them. this document, not abortion rights, not civil rights but that he failed to nail some mobsters in 1988. this is the top of their list. amazingly bad politics. .
HOST: why not attack him if you are a liberal, why not openly say we fear for abortion rights?
MATTHEWS: i have to ask that. why did they put this document out. this will hurt the democrats. they shouldn’t go after ethnicity. as a prosecutor, a judge, a yale law grad. i don’t understand this kind of politics. unless they have someone who nut on the top of 20 items. the guy being than i talian american not nail a conviction in 17 years ago? interesting.
HOST: what you have in your hand, who signed it?
MATTHEWS: i was given it by one of the producers of nbc, called democrats are circulating this document. they are trying not to put a signature on it. it’s from them.

The anti-Italian-American slams weren't enough. Chuckie Schumer also denounced Alito as the Anti-Rosa Parks:

Schumer, who serves on the Senate Judiciary Committee, praised Parks for her civil rights courage while using that same courage and legacy as a slap at Alito.
"Will Alito, like Rosa Parks, use his seat to change the course of history for the better, or will he return it to the injustice of the past?" Schumer asked.
Chuckie then answered his own question.
"It's sad that the president felt that he had to pick a nominee likely to divide America, instead of picking a nominee like Sandra Day O'Connor that had united America," Schumer said.
In other words, according to the Dems, Judge Alito will return us to the days of state-sponsored segregation, and will give Italian mafia bosses a free ride. Just the usual understated blathering from the left.

Folks, all of this is great news for conservatives, because the crazier the left sounds, the more people are going to be turned off by their antics. This is going to be fun.

; ; ; Supreme Court

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