HolyCoast: RNC Pushback Against Flip-Flopping Dems Accelerates
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Friday, November 18, 2005

RNC Pushback Against Flip-Flopping Dems Accelerates

It's beginning to look like the GOP allowed the Dems just enough rope in their anti-Bush campaign to hang themselves. I doubt that this was some sort of devious Rove-a-Dope, but it's sure starting to look that way:
The Republican National Committee will begin broadcasting television ads in key markets nationally this weekend that suggest Sen. Harry Reid is "playing partisan politics" with the war in Iraq.

The 60-second ads are part of a national campaign by the RNC to push back against increasingly vocal criticism from Democrats about the Bush administration's policy in Iraq.

The ad, which RNC sources said will air in Las Vegas, provides Reid's office number and tells viewers to call the Nevada senator and "tell him to stop playing partisan politics and stand behind our troops."

On Thursday, Reid joined a growing number of Democrats to publicly condemn the administration for attacking critics of the war.
The beauty of this is that the Dems will feel self-righteous and will be compelled to respond with even harsher and more shrill statements, and since they are already teetering on the edge of being wild-eyed nutballs, this RNC campaign could push them over the edge.

Given the large military contingent in Nevada, and especially Nellis Air Force Base right outside of Las Vegas, Sen. Reid may quickly find himself on the defensive in dealing with his own constituents.

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