HolyCoast: School Buses for Bush-Bashers
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Thursday, November 10, 2005

School Buses for Bush-Bashers

Last week, on the anniversary of the presidential election, various wacky left groups held protests. As part of the event, the leaders encouraged high school students to walk out of class to protest the Bush adminstration. The Los Angeles Unified School District decided to aid and abet the Bush-bashers (from Special Report):
When hundreds of Los Angeles high school students told administrators they planned to walk out of school to attend last week's protest by the liberal "World Can't Wait" group calling for President Bush's impeachment — the L.A. school district decided not to discipline them. Instead, the district provided school buses and a staff escort to transport some 800 students from 10 schools to the rally and back. School officials said students would attend the protest with or without their permission, and the district's chief operating officer told KNBC, "Our issue...was safety, and I think we fulfilled our mission."
Here's an idea - let's get a whole bunch of students to announce to the administration that they are going to walk out of class to attend a pro-life rally. Do you think the school district will provide transportation?

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