HolyCoast: GOP Caving on CIA Prison Leaks
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Thursday, November 10, 2005

GOP Caving on CIA Prison Leaks

A few days ago it was reported that the Congressional leadership was going to aggressively fight back on this whole CIA leak business by demanding investigations into the leaks related to the secret CIA prisons. Unfortunately, the Republicans who are supposed to be leading these investigations apparently have better things to do (h/t Powerline):
The chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence told Senate leaders yesterday that Congress should hold off on a probe of the disclosure of classified information on secret prisons to The Washington Post until the Justice Department completes its own inquiry.

Sen. Pat Roberts (R-Kan.) said he will "respectfully" request that Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist (R-Tenn.) back off a strongly worded request that a bicameral investigation into the disclosure be convened immediately. Frist spokeswoman Amy Call said the majority leader had not decided how to respond. "He always takes what his chairmen say into consideration," she said.

Frist and House Speaker J. Dennis Hastert (R-Ill.) surprised both Roberts and House intelligence committee Chairman Peter Hoekstra (R-Mich.) with a joint letter demanding a House-Senate inquiry after the Nov. 2 publication of a Post article detailing a web of secret prisons in Eastern Europe and elsewhere, maintained by the CIA to detain suspected terrorists.

The CIA general counsel's office also has notified the Justice Department that a release of classified information took place in connection with The Post's report. After the CIA details what it sees as the damage done by the article, Justice prosecutors will determine whether a criminal investigation is warranted.

Asked how long that could take, Roberts joked, "Decades," indicating he is in no rush to convene his own inquiry. Hoekstra said he has not decided how to proceed.
Sometimes we're our own worst enemies.

UPDATE: Blogger Hans Mast points out an article which might explain the delay by Roberts. There's some thought that the leaker might be a Republican Senator. If so, all the more reason to forge ahead with the investigation. If a Republican is leaking confidential CIA information, he/she should face the music just like anyone else. Better now than in 2006 while the campaigns are underway.

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