HolyCoast: To Prophesy or Not to Prophesy, That is the Question
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Friday, November 18, 2005

To Prophesy or Not to Prophesy, That is the Question

My buddy John over at Blogotional is having quite a theological discussion with a number of other bloggers, pastors and theologians all (amateur or professional), and I can't begin to compete with that stuff. I have neither the training, nor the interest, in getting into really deep theological matters.

However, the discussion today dealt with the issue of prophecy, especially as it may occur in a charismatic church setting. I thought I'd offer my two cents (and based on the following story, you'll probably think I should get some change back).

A church I knew of some years ago was having quite an internal dispute over the purchase of some property. Both sides were vigorously arguing, and being a charismatic congregation, were actively looking for some sort of outright sign from God.

Finally, one night during a heated argument, one lady stood and said "I've got a word from the Lord". The room fell quiet and the "prophet" began to speak.

"Thus sayeth the Lord: BUY THE DAMN PROPERTY!"

Somehow I doubt her sincerity. I hope this adds to the ongoing discussion.

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