HolyCoast: Food Nazis Going After Sodas
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Thursday, December 08, 2005

Food Nazis Going After Sodas

The nanny-state food nazis who previously told us we couldn't eat movie popcorn, Mexican food, Italian food, Chinese food, or anything with animal products in it, now have soda in their sights. They've already extorted billions from the tobacco industry, and now it's time to bankrupt the soft drink manufacturers:
Trial lawyers who made a fortune from lawsuits against tobacco companies are moving on to a new potential payday: Suing soft drink companies over the sale of sugary beverages in schools.

Stephen Gardner, staff lawyer for the Center for Science in the Public Interest, and half a dozen other lawyers – several of them veterans of successful tobacco litigation – plan to file a lawsuit in the next few months seeking to ban sales of sugary beverages in schools.

Gardner argues that soda and other sugary beverages are harmful to students' health and that selling those drinks in schools "sends a message that their regular consumption is perfectly fine," according to the New York Times.

The lawsuit is to be filed in Massachusetts, which has strong consumer protection laws, and will name Coca-Cola, PepsiCo and their local bottlers. It will be the first of many such state lawsuits, the attorneys say.
How will the soft drink companies react? I'm sure they'll fight back, but in the meantime they can simply switch their machines to diet drinks, or better yet water. They can sell water for the same price as sodas, and it costs them much less to make. This whole thing may increase the company's profits, rather than put them out of business which is the clear intent of the food nazis.

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