HolyCoast: Fuel Depot Explodes Near London
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Sunday, December 11, 2005

Fuel Depot Explodes Near London

They've got a big mess on their hands near London:
Some 39 people have been injured in a huge explosion at a fuel depot. The blast was so powerful it rocked houses up to 40 miles away and was heard in Holland.

One of the injured is seriously hurt and another person is under observation in hospital.

"Tongues of flames" are continuing to soar hundreds of feet into the sky and an acrid cloud of smoke is stretching for miles from the depot and moving south-eastwards.

The Army is on standby and people anywhere near the area or close to the plume of smoke are being warned to stay inside and close all windows and doors. Authorities in the region have been handing out breathing masks.


The cause of the explosion is not yet known but no third party - a plane or a terrorist - was involved.
I expect gas prices will immediately rise...not because there's any connection to the U.S. fuel supply, but because the oil companies never miss an opportunity to raise prices.

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