HolyCoast: Where the Queer and the Antelope Play
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Sunday, December 11, 2005

Where the Queer and the Antelope Play

Hollywood is falling all over itself to honor a new movie featuring gay cowboys. Tonight it won the L.A. Film Critics Best Picture award. Here's how Drudge described it:
Arriving with nudity and explicit gay sex scenes between two cowboys, UNIVERSAL/FOCUS FILMS's BROKEBACK MOUNTAIN has quietly become an award season frontrunner, interviews with Academy members reveal.

"It could very well be the last film standing at this year's Oscars," a top Hollywood producer not associated with the film explained from Hollywood.

"There was not a dry eye in the house at the screening at Telluride [Film Festival in Colorado]," says the producer, who asked not to be named out of respect for the cast and crew of the producer's own Oscar contender. "Watch it come out of the gate at the Golden Globes with super controversy."

NEW YORK DAILY NEWS critic Jack Mathews predicts the gay cowboy movie, which takes place in Wyoming, may be "too much for red-state audiences, but it gives the liberal-leaning Academy a great chance to stick its thumb in conservatives' eyes."

I don't know about you, but this conservative doesn't give a rat's butt who wins the Oscar every year, so they can go ahead and nominate whoever they want and it won't bother me. I'm sure, however, that there will be many Christian conservatives demanding that Hollywood honor Narnia with the Oscar, something which will never happen given the religious undertones in that movie.

Memo to Hollywood biggies: Hey Babe, go ahead and have your fun with your queer cowboy pic, but you can't stick your thumb in the eyes of conservatives if they don't go to your movies, and they won't be going to this one. All you're doing is limiting your audience and reducing your profits. I hope it's worth "sticking it to conservatives" in exchange for lower shareholder earnings and the moral failure that accompanies your choices.

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