HolyCoast: Kerry: It's Limbaugh's Fault That I'm Stupid
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Friday, December 09, 2005

Kerry: It's Limbaugh's Fault That I'm Stupid

So many Dems have stepped in deep doo-doo lately it's hard to keep up with all the dumb statements, but one which has gotten a lot of attention was Kerry's contention that U.S. troops are terrorizing Iraqi citizens. In typical Kerry fashion, when confronted about the statement, he blamed someone else:
Failed presidential candidate John Kerry blamed top conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh Friday morning for the uproar over his claim that U.S. troops were terrorizing Iraqi women and children.

"You know, the only people who are trying to make anything out of that, to be honest with you, are Rush Limbaugh and a few people on the right," Kerry told radio host Don Imus.

It's not a few people, Senator, but just about everybody on the right. You can't find a conservative website or radio host who hasn't been replaying those remarks. Senator - it was a dumb, clumsy statement and you should own up to it rather than make a lame attempt to blame other people for reporting your words.

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