HolyCoast: Tomorrow's News Today!
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Friday, December 30, 2005

Tomorrow's News Today!

James Lileks gives us a preview of 2006 news stories. Here's a sample:
The Supreme Court banned no-knock searches in Mosul; Congress passed legislation requiring U.S. special forces to give up night-vision gear, wear squeaky shoes and speak in stage whispers.

Judge Samuel Alito was confirmed, just in time to cast the deciding vote upholding parental notification for partial flag-burning.

Saddam Hussein was convicted and sentenced to death for crimes against humanity. While awaiting execution he published several children's books, including "Goodnight Moon and Your Entire Accursed Family as Well," in hopes he would get a Nobel Peace Prize nomination and the support of several Hollywood celebrities. His execution was eventually stayed on the grounds that his story has been optioned by George Clooney, but not yet purchased. The courts are still waiting for the agents to work out the details.

Midterm elections went better than expected for the GOP. The Democrats ran on the platform of "We're not saying what we'd do with a majority, but it rhymes with Imbleach. Other than that, whatever." Republicans ran on the platform of "Warrant? I got your warrant right here." For the first time they swept both New York and New Jersey.
Read the whole thing here.

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