HolyCoast: Arafatistan Now Officially a Terrorist State
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Thursday, January 26, 2006

Arafatistan Now Officially a Terrorist State

Arafatistan (or The Palestinian Territories) has long been unofficially run by terrorists, but yesterday’s parliamentary election has made it official. The big winner – terrorist group Hamas:

Hamas' top official told Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas on Thursday the Islamic militant group is ready for a partnership after defeating the ruling Fatah Party in parliamentary elections - a shocking upset sure to throw Mideast peacemaking into turmoil.

Officials in both parties said Hamas appeared to have captured a large majority of seats in Wednesday's elections. The Central Election Commission said the vote count had not been completed and that it would make an official announcement Thursday evening.

Abbas' Fatah Party will decide later in the day whether to join a Hamas-led government or serve in the opposition, Palestinian Information Minister Nabil Shaath said.

Earlier, Fatah legislator Saeb Erekat said after a meeting with Abbas that the party has already decided to serve in the opposition. "Hamas will be asked to form the new government," Erekat said. "We in Fatah will not join them. We will be a loyal opposition and rebuild the party."

Abbas, who favors peace talks with Israel, has said he would resign if he could no longer pursue his agenda. Aides said he planned a major speech Thursday night.
Israel and the United States have said they would not deal with a government led by Hamas, which has carried out dozens of suicide bombings and which they consider a terrorist group.

Both the U.S. and Israel have vowed that they will not negotiate with the terrorist group Hamas, which can only mean that the Palestinians will be increasingly isolated from the civilized world.

In addition, nobody, and probably not even Hamas, expected them to win, and the question now is whether Hamas is equipped to take over the administration of this corrupt and nearly bankrupt hellhole. They may have won a lot more trouble than they ever wanted.

UPDATE: The fighting is already breaking out between Fatah and Hamas. Let the games begin!

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