HolyCoast: Dems Don't Even Know What They're Criticizing
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Thursday, January 26, 2006

Dems Don't Even Know What They're Criticizing

Here's an instructive quote from Sen. Dick Durbin regarding the Dem criticism of the NSA terrorist surveillance program (from The Corner):

QUESTION: I don't think I've heard any Democrats say that, though this program, in your view appears to be unconstitutional, maybe unlawful, why not say, Halt it now, and come to Congress and ask for the changes, but halt it now? I've not heard any Democrat say: Stop the program.

DURBIN: Well, I have to say, candidly, there are very few members of Congress who know exactly what this program's all about. Other than press descriptions, we don't honestly know what is being done in the name of this program.

An interesting admission. Most Dems are criticizing a program they don't really know anything about. And of course, the press always gets it right.

What a bunch of goofballs.

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