HolyCoast: Crazy Aunt Bethany Ticked at Being Ignored
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Thursday, January 26, 2006

Crazy Aunt Bethany Ticked at Being Ignored

Drudge is reporting that Helen Thomas, the crazy Aunt Bethany of the White House press corps, is none too happy that Bush ignored her during today's entire 45 minute press conference:

President Bush today again avoided taking a question from White House doyenne Helen Thomas during his 45-minute press conference, even though he took questions from every reporter around her front-row, center seat.

"He's a coward," Thomas said afterward. "He's supposed to be this macho guy. He'll take on Osama bin Laden, but he won't take me on."

Thomas, who worked as the UPI White House reporter for 57 years and is now a columnist, raised her hand every time the president was concluding an answer to a reporter's question, but he never called on her.

Thomas, who worked as the UPI White House reporter for 57 years and is now a columnist, raised her hand every time the president was concluding an answer to a reporter's question, but he never called on her.
Afterward, Thomas sat sullenly in her chair in the White House press work area, huddled in her leopard-print winter coat.

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