HolyCoast: Kerry Calls for "Filibluster" on Alito
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Thursday, January 26, 2006

Kerry Calls for "Filibluster" on Alito

John Kerry, joining the editorial pages of the NY Times (whose support he apparently wants in 2008) is calling for a filibuster on the Alito nomination. This call comes despite the fact that the GOP appears to have enough votes to defeat it. This will get the lefties all excited, but will basically be sound and fury, signifying insanity.
Sen. John Kerry has decided to support a filibuster to block the nomination of Judge Samuel Alito to the Supreme Court, CNN's Congressional Correspondent Ed Henry reported Thursday.

Kerry, in Davos, Switzerland, to attend the World Economic Forum, was marshaling support in phone calls during the day, Henry said.

He announced his decision Wednesday to a group of Democratic senators, urging they join him, Henry said. Kerry also has the support of his fellow Massachusetts senator, Democrat Edward Kennedy.

Some senior Democrats said they are worried that the move could backfire.
No kidding. Too bad Kerry was in Davos, Switzerland and didn't get a chance to hear Sen. Robert KKK Byrd. Byrd basically ripped his own party a new one by slamming the foolish antics of the Senate Judiciary Committee. Bobby Byrd didn't name names, but it was pretty obvious who he was talking about. Byrd will vote to confirm Alito.

Byron York at The Corner adds this about Kerry's call for a filibuster:
From a Senate source: Kerry's call for a filibuster comes after his leadership, that is, Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid, decided there won't be one. In other words, Kerry was making a brave, Kos-friendly pronouncement in the total confidence that a filibuster will never happen. And now, word is, he is off to Davos to continue what some Republicans are calling a "filibluster."

Mr. Courage.

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