HolyCoast: A "Host" With a "Fetus"
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Friday, January 20, 2006

A "Host" With a "Fetus"

James Taranto points out today how bastardized (no pun intended) the language has become in the effort by the pro-abortion left to dehumanize expectant mothers and their children:
Earlier this week we attended a debate on abortion, sponsored jointly by the Federalist Society and the left-wing American Constitution Society. From the pro-abortion debater we learned the correct terminology for a pregnant woman and her--um, how do we say this? Her--uh, hmm--well, you know what we mean, that "thing" in her tummy. Anyway, you're not supposed to say she's a "mommy" with a "baby." That is disrespectful to women. You're supposed to say she's a "host" with a "fetus."
I would say the person from the American Constitution Society is a "dummy" with "a brain the size of a pea".

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