HolyCoast: Domestic Terrorists Charged
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Saturday, January 21, 2006

Domestic Terrorists Charged

People who use terror tactics to wantonly destroy property, regardless of their motives, are terrorists and deserve to be treated as such. Some of the environwacko groups are now facing some big-time charges for their terrorist activities:
The Justice Department on Friday announced a 65-count indictment against 11 environmental activists accused of ecoterrorism attacks in five states.

The charges include conspiracy to commit arson; arson; attempted arson; use and possession of a destructive device; and destruction of an energy facility.

"The indictment tells a story of four-and-a-half years of arson, vandalism, violence and destruction claimed to have been executed on behalf of the Animal Liberation Front or Earth Liberation Front, extremist movements known to support acts of domestic terrorism," Attorney General Alberto Gonzales told reporters.

Officials said the groups carried out the alleged attacks between 1996 and 2001 in Oregon, Wyoming, Washington, California and Colorado.
They're terrorists, pure and simple. Lock 'em up.

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