HolyCoast: Little Brother Runs Amok
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Saturday, January 21, 2006

Little Brother Runs Amok

Teddy *hiccup* Kennedy and Pat "Leaky" Leahy have introduced a resolution in the Senate to condemn the White House for the NSA anti-terror spying.
Democratic senators took the Bush administration to task Friday for four years of domestic spying, while the president fought back with a planned embrace of the intelligence agency that is carrying out the effort.

In preparation for Senate hearings, Edward Kennedy of Massachusetts noted that President Bush asserted in 2004 that "when we're talking about chasing down terrorists, we're talking about getting a court order before we do so."

That Bush statement came at the same time the National Security Agency was engaging - at the president's direction - in warrantless eavesdropping on Americans.

"If President Bush can make his own rules for domestic surveillance, Big Brother has run amok," Kennedy said in a statement.

In the Kennedy family, it was always Little Brother who was running amok, and that's still true today even though Little Brother is 74. It's God's gift to the GOP to have these guys go nuts over this issue, especially in light of the latest threats against the U.S.

What's even more delightful is to have Teddy *hiccup* Kennedy and Pat "Leaky" Leahy leading the charge. Kennedy has so much baggage that all the female campaign workers in the world couldn't carry it (at least those which haven't drowned in his car). And Leahy was thrown off the Intelligence Committee for leaking classified information to reporters.

Yeah, that's who America wants leading the war on terror - *Hiccup* and "Leaky".

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