HolyCoast: Senators in Love With Their Own Voices
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Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Senators in Love With Their Own Voices

AnkleBitingPundits did a little statistical analysis of the Q&A between the Senate Judiciary Committee and Judge Alito. The numbers were predictable:
I got the transcript of yesterday's Roberts confirmation hearings and did a count of words spoken by each Senator and John Roberts in their 30 minute Q&A sessions. Then I figured out the actual percentage of words in each exchange used by the particular Senator and those by Judge Alito. I'm listing them here, grouping the Senators by party in descending order of bloviation.

So here they are side by side, Senators percentage first, followed by Alito's percentage (w/ actual numbers of words used by the individual Senator and Judge Alito during the Q & A in parentheses)


"Rosary Joe" Biden 78-22% (DE) (3,673 - 1,013) (a 1,879 word, and 13 minute opening "question")

Chuck Schumer (NY) 75-25% (3,555-1,165)

Ted Kennedy (MA) 69-31% (3,439-1,539)

Pat Leahy (VT) 60-40% (2,714-1,874)

Russ Feingold (WI) 56-44% (2,976-2,364)

Diane Feinstein (CA) 42-58% (1,912-2,593)

Herb Kohl (WI) 37-63% (1,835-3,094)


Mike DeWine (OH) 82-18% (3,398-1,323)

Lindsey Graham (SC) 65-35% (3,032-1,643)

Jeff Sessions (AL) 61-39% (2,827-1,773)

John Cornyn (TX) 56-44% (3,407-1,900)

Jon Kyl (AZ) 53-47% (2,594-2,255)

Orrin Hatch (UT) 54-46% (2,686-2,242)

Chuck Grassley (IA) 51-49% (2,305-2,183)

Arlen Specter (PA) 50-50% (2,232-2,194)

Is anyone surprised?

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