HolyCoast: Bosum Buddies Suspected in Alabama Church Fires
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Monday, February 13, 2006

Bosum Buddies Suspected in Alabama Church Fires

When I first saw that headline on FoxNews, I thought "now why would Tom Hanks and Peter Scolari want to run around setting churches on fire?"

Reading further, I realized it's not Tom and Peter, but a couple of other guys in their 30's according to FBI profilers:
Investigators believe a pair of men in their 20s or 30s, likely "bosom buddies," are responsible for a string of church fires in rural Alabama, as authorities confirmed the latest blaze at a Baptist church was the 10th case of arson.

The latest fire severely damaged Beaverton Freewill Baptist Church in northwest Alabama, near the Mississippi line. The white, wood-frame church sat about 150 yards off a two-lane county road and had an alarm system that alerted officials to the blaze.

A federal investigator said witness reports and behavioral profilers led authorities to believe that two white men were responsible for the fires. Witnesses said they saw two men in a sport utility vehicle near a number of the fires.

"They're not youths or teens. It's probably someone in their 20s or 30s. We believe they're pretty much inseparable. They're something like bosom buddies," said Eric Kehn, a spokesman for the federal Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives agency.
Okay, so it's not them. But I'd still be careful if either one of those guys is seen in Alabama.

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