HolyCoast: Global Warming Causes Huge Blizzard
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Sunday, February 12, 2006

Global Warming Causes Huge Blizzard

Since global warming is blamed for every unusual weather occurrence, I have to assume that environmentalists are frantically working on the scenario in which global warming can be blamed for the 26+ inches of snow that fell in New York's Central Park today. Scott Ott has developed a very believable scenario in which this storm will increase global warming:
Snow Blankets East Coast Causing Global Warming
by Scott Ott

(2006-02-12) A thick blanket of snow that covered much of the northeastern United States this weekend may increase global warming by preventing the heat that radiates from earth's molten core from escaping into the atmosphere, according to former vice president Al Gore.

It could happen.

Earlier this week I reported on the group of 86 evangelical pastors who came out with the Evangelical Climate Initiative (posts here and here) which claims that we're all doomed due to global warming unless we radically change our lifestyles and destroy our economy. When asked about today's Blizzard of '06, spokesman and pastor Rick Warren issued this statement:
"Never mind."
Okay, so that didn't happen, but it gives me great joy thinking about it.

It seems like these environuts always make their doom and gloom proclamations in the wintertime, just before a terrible cold snap. You may remember Al Gore making a well-publicized global warming speech in New York City... on what was the coldest day in New York City history. Today's storm, which follows closely on the heels of the Evangelical Climate Initiative, dropped the largest snowfall in New York City's recorded history.

The environuts had better knock if off with these pronouncements or they're going to kill the poor folks in New York.

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