HolyCoast: Cheney and Brit at 3pm PST
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Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Cheney and Brit at 3pm PST

Vice President Dick Cheney will be interviewed live on Special Report with Brit Hume this afternoon at 3pm PST on the Fox News Channel. Although Fox has a reputation as a conservative network, Hume is no pushover as an interviewer, and I'm sure he'll ask some very good questions of the Veep. Special Report is the only news and political show I watch every day (thanks to TiVo).

If you think the White House press corps was in a lather before this, watch out now! They won't quit screaming until the Veep prostrates himself at their feet, so I expect they'll be in full rage about this interview.

Speaking of which, Tony Blankley absolutes destroys the White House press corps in this piece in the Washington Times:

In the absence of any pressing news these days — other than Iran's nuclear weapons development crisis, the election of Hamas terrorists in Palestine, on-going worldwide Muslim riots and killing in reaction to a cartoon, Al Gore's near sedition while speaking in Saudi Arabia, the turning over of our East Coast ports to be managed by a United Arab Emirates firm, the criminal leaking of vital NSA secrets to the New York Times, Mexican military incursions across our southern border, the Iraqi crisis, Congress's refusal to deal with the developing financial collapse of Social Security and Medicare, inter alia — the White House press corps has exploded in righteous fury over the question of the vice president's little shooting party last weekend.

As I understand the profound concern of the ever alert White House reporters, they smell a constitutional crisis because the shooting party failed to alert the media of the accidental shooting down in Corpus Christi, Texas. Well, actually they did alert the Corpus Christi media — but that didn't count. Unless the exalted ones have been formally informed by an official government press secretary, no public communication has technically occurred.


When an out-of-town newspaper got the scoop, the dignity of the White House press corps had been impeached, so they threw a public temper tantrum. As that has worked for many of them since their early childhood, they obviously expect it to work while on the job — to use the term loosely.

It's all good - read it here.

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