HolyCoast: Republicans Are Happier
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Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Republicans Are Happier

The Pew Research Center has come out with a new survey on happiness, and tells us what we pretty much already knew - Republican are happier people (h/t Powerline):
Some 45% of all Republicans report being very happy, compared with just 30% of Democrats and 29% of independents. This finding has also been around a long time; Republicans have been happier than Democrats every year since the General Social Survey began taking its measurements in 1972.
Notice that Republicans aren't just happier when they're in control of the government. We've been happier consistently since they started surveying in 1972, even during the dark years of Carter and Clinton.

Anybody that runs a conservative website (like this one) can confirm those numbers. When my Republican friends disagree with me, they post thoughtful, well reasoned arguments, and when we're done, we're still friends (they're also still wrong). When Democrats disagree with me, it takes them about 10 seconds to descend to namecalling and insults. Facts and reason are rarely present. They're just unhappy people.

I'm sure this explains why Hillary is angry all the time.

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