HolyCoast: The Cheney Shotgun Coverup
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Monday, February 13, 2006

The Cheney Shotgun Coverup

Oooo. Another Washington scandal, this time involving an attempt by Dick Cheney to coverup this weekend's hunting accident.

Really? No, but that's what Good Morning America would like you to believe. One of my compatriots at NewsBusters.org has a post with the details.

Just as I was leaving home I heard Charlie Gibson intone ominously about "why it took so long for the information to come out", as though the Vice President has a responsibility to run to the microphones and announce embarrassing incidents from his personal life. How silly.

The shooting, while newsworthy, did not involve the Vice President conducting anything remotely close to his federal duties, so whether he chooses to talk about it or release any information related to the incident is entirely up to him. I certainly can't blame him for not being anxious to release the story, though I'm sure most P.R. professionals would have advised otherwise.

Congrats to the local Corpus Christi reporter who broke the story, but for the national media to try and make a scandal out of this is just ridiculous.

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