HolyCoast: Howard the Donkey Calls for Vice President's Resignation
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Monday, February 13, 2006

Howard the Donkey Calls for Vice President's Resignation

No, not Al Gore, though that wouldn't be a bad idea. This time the Vermont Vortex is claiming that Dick Cheney should resign because of the Valerie Plame affair:

Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean called for the removal of Vice President Dick Cheney if he authorized his chief of staff to leak classified material or the identity of CIA employee Valerie Plame.

"Scooter Libby testified to the grand jury that his superior ordered him to, or suggested that he leak the information to the press in order to discredit one of their political opponents," Mr. Dean said yesterday on CBS' "Face the Nation." "If that happened at a time of war, the vice president cannot sit in the office he now occupies."


Since being "outed," Mrs. Plame has posed for photo spreads in glossy magazines even as her husband claimed her safety was threatened by the leak. She has since retired from the agency.

This is actually a bit of a breakthrough for Howard. By claiming that it's wrong to leak classified information during a time of war, he almost admits that winning the war would be a good thing. That's a huge step in the right direction for Howie.

Of course, Howie never thinks before talking. What if Cheney took him up on his offer and resigned? Would that be bad or good for the Democrats? In fact, that could set up Howie's worst nightmare as the president would have the opportunity to appoint a new vice president who would immediately become the leading contender for the '08 presidential nomination. For instance, how would it play with Dems if Condi Rice was suddenly appointed V.P.? Wouldn't you love to see the look on Hillary's face if that happened.

Meanwhile, Howie had better hope that Cheney doesn't decide to take up donkey hunting.

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