HolyCoast: Is It Possible I Agree with Hillary?
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Saturday, February 18, 2006

Is It Possible I Agree with Hillary?

I shudder at the thought too, but it looks like we may both be on the same page for once. Sen. Clinton and new Senator Menendez of New Jersey are planning a bill to block the sale of the port facilities to the firm from Dubai:
Two U.S. Democratic senators said on Friday they would introduce legislation aimed at blocking Dubai Ports World from buying a company that operates several U.S. shipping ports because of security concerns.

Robert Menendez of New Jersey and Hillary Clinton of New York said they would offer a measure to ban companies owned or controlled by foreign governments from acquiring U.S. port operations.

"We wouldn't turn the border patrol or the customs service over to a foreign government, and we can't afford to turn our ports over to one either," Menendez said in a statement. The Senate Banking Committee also plans to hold a hearing on the issue later this month.

P&O, the company Dubai Ports World plans to buy for $6.8 billion, is already foreign-owned, by the British, but the concern is that the purchaser is backed by the United Arab Emirates government.

The UAE company would gain control over the management of major U.S. ports in New York and New Jersey, Baltimore, Philadelphia, New Orleans and Miami and that has sparked national security concerns among lawmakers.

I questioned the wisdom of this sale a few days ago, and I think this story is just starting to blow up. I expect there will be much discussion on the Sunday shows this week - after they finish dissecting the Cheney shooting.

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