HolyCoast: English Speaking Americans Offensive to Arapahoe County
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Friday, March 03, 2006

English Speaking Americans Offensive to Arapahoe County

Just to show you how political correctness completely infects our society today, look at this story from Arapahoe County, CO:
Arapahoe County is threatening to fire a veteran Public Works employee for promoting the fact that he is an English speaking American.

"They claim it's offensive and I've been accused of discrimination and harassment, believe it or not, because of this," said Mike Gray, a heavy equipment operator with the Arapahoe County Road and Bridge Department for 16 years.

The problems began last spring. Gray, 50, owns a lawn service business on the side. He was routinely driving to work in his pickup truck towing a trailer that he uses to carry lawn mowing equipment for his business. On the side of his trailer, the married father of two affixed a sign that reads "Lawn Services Done With Pride!! By An English Speaking American."

The sign also gives Gray's phone number and the lettering is over a background of an American flag.

"There are a lot of people in the lawn service that are non-English speaking," Gray said. "Customers and different people were telling me that they have a hard time trying to communicate with them about the work they want done on their yards. I just want to let people know they at least can communicate with me when I do work on their property."

Gray also wore a hat to work that says "U.S. Border Patrol," which he says was a gift from his son.

Arapahoe County officials told Gray the sign and hat must go or else. In a Nov. 10, 2005, letter, his supervisor Monty Sedlak wrote the following:

"Some of your conduct ... is reprehensible and discriminatory to our non-English speaking and/or Hispanic workforce. You are in violation of ... guidelines which ensure a workplace free from harassment and sensitive to the diversity of employees."

"You are required to permanently remove your cap from the workplace. It is offensive and harassing. Your business sign, if on work premises, must be completely covered at all times. This behavior is inappropriate and any further incidents of this nature may result in further disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment."
A lot of people will focus on the "English speaking American" part of this story, but the thing that bugs me the most is the prohibition by the county of wearing a hat from a Federal law enforcement agency, the Border Patrol.

Now who do you suppose might be offended by the presence of a Border Patrol hat? Of course, the the most likely candidates would be illegal immigrants (and possibly Democrats). I have a hat from the Secret Service that was given to me by a retired agent. Should I not wear it to avoid offending potential presidential assassins? The logic is pretty much the same.

I'm going to guess that this story will be the best free advertising this guy ever got, and he'll have so much lawn care business that he may just be able to quit the county job and tell them and their political correctness to take a hike. For his sake, I hope that's what happens.

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