HolyCoast: A New Candidate in Pennsylvania?
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Friday, March 03, 2006

A New Candidate in Pennsylvania?

John Fund has some interesting news regarding the Senate race in Pennsylvania between the conservative Republican incumbant Rick Santorum, and the pro-life Democrat Bob Casey (from Political Diary):
Is abortion activist Kate Michelman blowing smoke with her public hints this week that she might enter the Pennsylvania U.S. Senate race as an independent? Ms. Michelman, former president of NARAL Pro-Choice America, certainly wouldn't attract enough votes to win, but she might well tap a motherload of Hollywood liberal money to make her impact felt on the airwaves. She could easily pull enough pro-abortion protest votes to tilt the race back to Republican Rick Santorum, whom the latest polls show lagging.

Why might Ms. Michelman find it delightful to commit such mischief? For one thing, the Keystone race is destined to be among the most-watched in the country, pitting the conservative Mr. Santorum against Bob Casey Jr., heir to one of the most honored names in Pennsylvania politics, that of his late father, Gov. Bob Casey. In this red vs. blue showdown, both candidates are pro-life, and Pennsylvania just happens to be a closely divided presidential battleground state. What's more, as Ralph Nader can attest, Pennsylvania Dems are known for ruthlessly using ballot access rules to block last-minute independents. If she plays her cards right, Ms. Michelman could become a Democratic pro-choice martyr, offsetting ex-Gov. Casey's posthumous status as a Democratic pro-life martyr who was forbidden a speaking slot at the 1992 convention because he didn't toe the feminist line on abortion

Wouldn't that be entertaining? Would a staunch pro-abortion Democrat like Michelman really want to create a situation that would potentially hurt the Democratic candidate in the race? Quite possibly yes, if that Dem is pro-life. The pro-abortion crowd has been seething for months over the John Roberts and Sam Alito appointments (and subsequent confirmations) to the Supreme Court, and this may be there way of taking a little revenge against the Dem party for not successfully blocking either guy.

I hope she gets in the race, but that would have more drama and entertainment than Desperate Housewives.

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